The Hero Never Quests Alone
After the hero accepts their call, they receive help from allies.
Podcast S1, E2: Tips Vs. Traps
You are likely in business by yourself or in a small firm; one of an estimated 1.1 million such people in the U.S. today. What sets you apart from your competition?
Who Has Your Back?
When you have the courage to reach out for support from people who share the similar aspirations, you’ll remember that stress and suffering are normal parts of our entrepreneurs’ experience.
Podcast S1, E1: Welcome to The Conultants Peer Group
Podcast S1, E1: Welcome to The Conultants Peer Group
Isolation = Frustration
The truth is, self-reliance is an illusion. None of us alone have all the answers.
The Need For Peers
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. -African Proverb
Welcome to the Consultants Peer Group
In this competitive environment, where do consulting professionals go to thrive and grow?